Saturday, September 29, 2012


In 1798, an English clergyman named Thomas Malthus made a dire prediction: He said the Earth could not indefinitely support an ever-increasing human population. The planet, he said, would check population growth through famine if humans didn't check themselves.
The theory publicized by Malthus is known as the carrying capacity of Earth. Carrying capacity itself is a well-known and widely accepted concept in ecology. It's a very basic idea -- sustainability requires balance. There is a certain population number above which a species starts to damage its habitat, and life as it stands at that moment cannot go on. Typically, it's starvation that kicks in to cull the herds down to a manageable number.
The idea of Earth's carrying capacity goes something like this: Humans need certain resources to survive at subsistence level -- most commonly air, food, water and usually some kind of shelter. A sustainable habitat is one in which supply of and demand for these resources are balanced. The problem, Malthus suggested, is the difference in growth patterns between the human population and food production. He said that while the human population tends to grow exponentially (by a greater amount each year -- a percentage of the total), the food supply will only grow linearly (by a fixed amount each year -- a number, not a percentage). In this model, humans are bound to outgrow the Earth's resources [source: Sachs].
­For two centuries, scientists have pretty much dismissed Malthus' hypothesis, saying he neglected to account for one very important variable that applies exclusively to humans: technological advancement [source: Sachs]. They have argued that this human ability allows food production to grow exponentially, as well. But scholars have recently begun to rethink their dismissal of Malthus' prediction, for several reasons.
It seems Earth may have a carrying capacity after all.
So are we doomed? How many human beings can the Earth support before resources run low and nature takes over, culling the human herds in order to reestablis­h a sustainable balance? Or do humans' unique abilities to develop new food and energy-production methods negate the danger?
Well, it all depends.

What's the Earth's Carrying Capacity?
Carrying capacity is not a fixed number. Estimates put Earth's carrying capacity at anywhere between 2 billion and 40 billion people [source: McConeghy]. It varies with a wide range of factors, most of them fitting under the umbrella of "lifestyle." If humans were still in the hunter-gatherer mode, Earth would have reached its capacity at about 100 million people [source: ThinkQuest]. With humans producing food and living in high-rise buildings, that number increases significantly [source: ThinkQuest].
As of 2008, there were about 6.7 billion people living on this planet [source: Sachs]. A good way to understand the flexibility of Earth's carrying capacity is to look at the difference between the projected capacities of 2 billion and 40 billion. Essentially, we're working with the same level of resources with both of those numbers. So how can the estimates swing so widely?
Because people in different parts of the world are consuming different amounts of those resources. Basically, if everyone on Earth lived like a middle-class American, consuming roughly 3.3 times the subsistence level of food and about 250 times the subsistence level of clean water, the Earth could only support about 2 billion people [source: McConeghy]. On the other hand, if everyone on the planet consumed only what he or she needed, 40 billion would be a feasible number [source: McConeghy]. As it is, the people living in developed countries are consuming so much that the other approximate 75 percent of the population is left with barely what they need to get by.
To the surprise of those scientists who dismissed Malthus' prediction as fatally flawed, this limit on resources appears to stand despite the human ability to develop technologies that alter Malthus' presumed linear growth of the food supply. The issue, then, is why technology isn't saving us from the disaster of naturally mediated population control.
What are we doing wrong?
homas Malthus: Right After All?
­If we look at the va­st advances in food-production technology, known as the green revolution, we would expect to be able to feed everyone on Earth indefinitely. The more people there are, the more inventors and advances in irrigation, agriculture, genetic engineering, pest control, water purification and other methods of increasing the food and water supply beyond what our habitat would provide normally. But in fact, food prices are rising at an alarming rate. The problem, it seems, has to do with the uniquely human byproducts of technological advancement, like systematic habitat destruction. We appear to be using technology in a way that defeats the purpose.
The ideal use of technology -- the use that would extend Earth's carrying capacity -- is to find ways to make fewer resources stretch much farther. Take, for instance, the Earth's energy resources. Ideally, we would've switched en masse to technologies like solar power and electric cars long ago. Instead, we've used technology to simply extract and use more fossil fuels. So instead of technology allowing us to live better on less, we're living better on more.
Since oil is a limited resource, and our technologies like home heating systems and farm equipment still run primarily on oil-dependent power, when we run out of oil, we potentially freeze to death in winter and run out of food. At the same time, air and water pollution resulting from technological advancement is reducing our supply of even more necessary resources.
So, are we doomed? Not if we make lifestyle adjustments that get us back into balance with our habitat. Major worldwide shifts to sustainable energy resources like sun and wind, and a movement toward eating locally grown food, reducing carbon emissions and even taking shorter showers can help. Mining space for additional resources might also help us avoid Earth-wide shortages, although that's a far more uncertain solution to the problem.
Ultimately, the idea is this: If everyone on Earth can manage to do more with less, we'll be back on track to Earth's indefinite carrying capacity. Also, since economic development and education tends to lower fertility rates, spreading modern knowledge to currently under-developed parts of the world can work as a sort of natural population control, further extending the lifetime of humanity on Earth.

Newspaper Reading: Preparation for Group Discussion

Student: LU LIN

1) Select one magazine or newspaper article to bring to class. This article can also come from an online newspaper such as The New York Times or The Los Angeles Times.

2) Gather three words you did not understand, liked, and/or found interesting in the article you selected, look them up in the dictionary, and complete the table below.

PART OF SPEECH (Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, etc.)
1. Capacity
·      The amount that can be contained.
·      content
2. Sustainable

·      capable of being sustained

·      making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
·      restructuring

3) To help with the context for the words you selected, highlight or underline the sentences that contain the three words you gathered.
 4) In one sentence, explain what the article is about. You can use the following sentence starters to help you: “This article is about…” “The main idea in this article is…”

         The main idea in this article is to tell us that the earth reached its carrying capacity, and it shows us what is earth carrying capacity and what we should do to adjustments the earth carrying capacity.

 5) Bring this sheet and a hard or digital copy of your article to class. Be prepared to share this information with a group of peers next class.

       Do you agree with Thomas Malthus's prediction? Why?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Secret of the bees-SEP26

Theme Discussion
In groups of 3, discuss your themes:
    1) What do you think is the main theme in this book?
    2) Why? Explain your answer using passages, sentences, etc. from the book. Is this theme possible in the book?
3) Record your group answers in a grid like this:




1. Natacha

P 49
“We’re going to Highway Forty and thumb a ride to Tiburon, South California. At lest we’re going,” she said, and there was a tone in her voice.



* First, the love between men and women: Lily falls in love with Zach, and June falls in love with Neil. #P103,P133,P135 * Second, the love between family members: 1-Lily loves Rosaleen, August and her sister, and they also love Lily, because they treat Lily like their daughter, and Lily treats them like her mothers. 2- Lily love her mother, and she misses her a lot. Lily also loves her father, and she had been tried to get her father's love. At the sometime, Lily's father loves Lily too, because he is looking for Lily when Lily left home, even he doesn't treat Lily like a normal father treats his daughter, and he shows us he hates her mother, but I think how much you hate a person, then how much you love the person. #P2, P13, P161, * The love between bees, August and Lily. #P92, P149,


 Rosaleen had never had a child herself, so for the la ten years I'd been her pet guinea pig.

P103 "That Neil,"said May."He's sweet on June."
"It looks to me like June is sweet on him, too."

P133 It seemed like I was now thinking of Zach forty minutes out of every hour.

P135 Lily, I like you better than any girl I've known, but you have to understand, there are people who would kill boys like me for even looking at girls like you.